Monday, January 27, 2020

Contributions that can be made by emotional literacy for social and emotional wellbeing of childrens

Contributions that can be made by emotional literacy for social and emotional wellbeing of childrens How can parents and carers, schools and communities aid the social and emotional wellbeing of children? Discuss what contribution can be made by emotional literacy. For many years, the emphasis on childhood as evolved on the cognitive and physical aspects of child development. Recently, more attention has been given on the emotional and social welfare of childrens development. Childrens emotional maturity and immaturity on their personal happiness, performance and behaviour has finally been recognised, as a consequence, this is currently being recognised by schemes such as, The Healthy Schools Initiative. The Healthy Schools Initiative contributes significantly to emotional health and well-being. All children deserve the opportunity to achieve their full potential. This is set this out in the five Every Child Matters (ECM) outcomes that are key to children and young peoples well-being: The five outcomes are: * Stay safe * Be healthy * Enjoy and achieve * Make a positive contribution * Achieve economic well-being To achieve ECM, The HM document states children need to feel loved and valued, and be supported by a network of reliable and affectionate relationships. If they are denied the opportunity and support they need to achieve these outcomes, children are at increased risk not only of an impoverished childhood, but also of disadvantage and social exclusion in adulthood (HM Government, 2006, pg 32). In a nutshell, the promotion of positive emotional health and well-being helps young people and children to build their confidences and express their feelings. It embeds the understanding and their capacity to learn effectively. Emotional literacy is the ability to understand ourselves and others and to be aware of, understand and to use information about the emotional states of others with competence. It includes the ability to understand, express and manage our own emotions, and respond to the emotions of others, in ways that are helpful to ourselves and others. Developing the Emotionally Literate School (Weare, 2004) Emotional Intelligence is linked to The Nuturing Programme. The programme origniated in the United States as a result of research undertaken by Dr Strephen J. Bavolek who pioneered in the prevention of child abuse and neglect and the development of family life. The progamme aims to enable children to become emotionally literate by exploring ideas which can contribute to learning to mange our emotions. Learning these skills can improve our motivation, help us feel good about ourselves and explores ideas for managing our emotions. Learning these skills can contribute to building self-esteem, which is crucial to provide positive attitude towards living. This is important as it controls how you think, the way you act and more importantly, how you relate to other people. Consequently, emotional literacy leads to emotional health; this health can have a huge impact on your potential to be successful in every aspect of life. All ingredients for emotional literacy are reflected in the Nurturing programme. The programme offers an effective way of encouraging co-operative behaviour, which empowers both parent/carer and children. It is also an emotional literacy programme. It is therefore crucial to state, that as a facilitator we need to reflect upon our own level of emotional literacy, as we cannot help others to become more emotionally literate unless we are emotional literate ourselves. We are all born with emotional intelligence and naturally, wired to our brains. However, how this emotional literacy develops depends on the kind of relationships they have and the adults caring for them. There are five elements of emotional literacy reflect the key principles of the Nurturing Programme. These are required in order to develop and become emotionally literate. Family Links quotes these key principles as:  · Knowing our emotions Self-awareness recognising a feeling as it happens is the first stage. We can eventually learn to stay aware, simply noticing the emotion rather than being overwhelmed by it, however turbulent we may be feeling at the time. This takes a lot of practice!  · Managing our emotions Handling our feelings builds on our awareness of them. Its helpful if we have ways of reassuring ourselves when were feeling anxious, calming down when were angry, soothing ourselves when we are upset, and so on. Every feeling has its value and significance theyre signposts to whats going on in our lives. The ratio of comfortable to painful feelings determines our emotional well-being.  · Motivating ourselves Harnessing our emotions to help us identify our goals and reach them helps us to achieve our aims. If we are kindly in charge of our emotions, rather than being overwhelmed by them, we can also take charge of our actions. We can guide our behaviour positively, and also resist the lure of instant gratification in other words, we develop self-discipline.  · Recognising emotions in others Empathy, the ability to be sensitively aware of what another person is feeling, is the most important people skill of all, and essential for satisfying relationships. Children who are treated with empathy and respect will grow up to be empathic and respectful towards others. * Handling relationships Building on empathy, the art of relationships is based on skill in coping with emotions in others while also managing and expressing our own effectively having good communication skills. Emotionally skilled people are great to be with because we enjoy their rapport. People who have these skills are easy to trust with our feelings, and learning these skills ourselves enhances all our relationships. (Family Links, 2004) Contained in the Nurture programme are four constructs, which fundamentally become the programmes building blocks. All the approaches, strategies and ideas in the Nurturing Programme are based on these four key concepts as outlined by Family Links:  · Self-awareness and self-esteem The art of self-awareness is to know ourselves well what we do and dont like, what our needs are, how we feel. If we are sensitive towards ourselves, its easier to look after our needs. Nurturing ourselves by meeting our own needs helps to boost our self-esteem, making it easier for us to nurture others and particularly to help children develop their self-awareness and a healthy, positive self-esteem.  · Appropriate expectations Children grow up in different ways: physically, intellectually, socially and emotionally. We need to match our expectations to what they can actually do. They learn all the thousands of skills at different rates. What one child finds easy another child of the same age might find hard. If we expect too much or too little of them, children tend to become rebellious, frustrated and angry, or to give up in despair. It is helpful to them if we recognise each small step in their learning.  · Positive discipline All children need discipline to learn what behaviour is OK and what is not. Positive discipline focuses on praise, rewarding their efforts, giving choices, negotiating and awarding responsibility. There are also fair penalties for poor behaviour. It makes life more enjoyable for adults and children, and helps to build self-esteem. Negative discipline, on the other hand, uses punishment and fear; it is stressful for everyone. There is convincing evidence to suggest that developing the social and emotional competence of children and young people leads to improved well-being, self-esteem, pro-social behaviour and higher achievement.  · Empathy This is the cornerstone of the Nurturing Programme. Empathy is the ability to sense how someone else is feeling, to tune in to their emotional point of view. We dont have to agree with what the other person thinks just to be sensitive to the way they feel, and to accept it. An empathic response to a childs inner world, to their excitement, frustrations and fears, fosters a close, trusting relationship, and helps them learn to respond sensitively towards others (Family Links, 2004) The author works with children weekly within the school environment. The work centres on supporting the development of childrens personal, social, emotional and behavioural growth. The aim is to: * Raise childrens self awareness * Develop healthy self esteem and confidence * Help children to manage their emotions and behaviour/social difficulties * Improve motivation and improve learning opportunities in and out of school The children work on individual targets, and sessions help them practice the skills they require to meet these targets both within class and all areas of their lives. A balance of role models promote group dynamics and peer support. A wide range of techniques are used within the session which includes: * Art focused work * Structured play * Drama * Counselling approaches * Relaxation, visualisation and reflection exercises * Circle time discussions * Reflection exercises Parent/carers play a huge role in their childs social and emotional well-being. It is important in its own right, simply because it can affect their physical health for both the child and parent/carer and can have a detrimental effect on how well the child does at school. Therefore, good social, emotional and psychological health protects children from emotional and behavioral problems, misuse of drugs and alcohol, for example. Therefore, it is equally important to pay attention to the social and emotional skills that children develop in their earliest years, as it will enable them to succeed through the transition from primary to secondary school and into adulthood. In a nutshell, responsibility for school readiness lies not with the child, but with the parent/carers who care for them and the educational systems in place to support them. Critically, intervention may not be successful with all children and families, especially those with Special Educational Needs (SEN), English as an Additional Language (EAL) and a withdrawn and shy child. One must take into account the dynamics of the group and these must be taken into account when actively planning intervention. Therefore, group work may not be the appropriate solution, therefore one to one teaching may be a useful strategy in order to provide intervention. This work complements existing national initiatives to promote social and emotional well-being. It should be considered in the context of the Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL) programme and related community-based initiatives. These initiatives stress the importance of such programmes to enable children to participate fully in the development to ensure their views are heard. To conclude, we are now beginning to understand that by providing these enriched environments children and young people are more able to develop emotional intelleigence and maturity far more effectively than they used too. Many schools, like mine, is putting so much empahisis into the development, simply because it leads to so many benefits. Therefore, schools are finding ways to explicitly place emotional literacy at the heart of the curriculum with their approach to learning, teaching, delivery, behavoiur and well-being. Staff are being specificially training and coaching enable them to put the theory into practice. It is important to stress, virtually all the interventions described, only work if they are embedded in the whole community. Those efforts can promote resilience and build the strengths that already exist in the family and the community. References DCSF, (2008) Every Child Matters Resources-and-Practice, Nottingham: DfES Publications, (online), extracted from (Accessed 8th Feb 2010) Family Links The Nurturing Programme Handbook for Parent Group Leaders, 2004 Weare, K, Developing the Emotionally Literate School, London: Paul Chapman Publishing, 2004 Knowledge and understanding of: * 1.2 the emotional, physical, intellectual, social and moral lives of children aged 0-12 as they develop and experience transitions in their lives. Cognitive skills: * 2.4 identify and re ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ect on own values and positions and those of others, and assess their relationships to policy and practice. Practical and professional skills: * 4.3 develop communication and engagement skills that could be applied to work with children * 4.4 understand the importance of sharing information and developing critical analytical practice that will contribute to a) listening to children b) promoting childrens wellbeing and c) multi-agency working with children and families. After many years of emphasis on the cognitive and physical aspects of childhood development, recently more attention has been focused on the social and emotional developmental cycles of children. The impact of a childs relative emotional maturity or immaturity on their behaviour, performance and personal happiness is finally being recognised. Furthermore, the issue of mental (emotional) health has been acknowledged as part of schemes such as The Healthy Schools Initiative. Against a background of increasing social exclusion, a worrying trend in diminishing self-esteem in teenage boys, and increasing numbers of children being recognised as having additional learning needs or presenting challenging behaviour, there is a growing pressure to find solutions. A childs capacity to learn and grow depends to a very significant extent on their ability to manage personal and social tasks. Without the ability to be aware of their emotional states and self-management skills to contain and handle these, their work will suffer. Without the ability to be aware of others, what they are feeling and to practise relationship management skills, their friendships and social support will vanish. There has also been a steady rise in recognition of the importance of sound self-esteem for children. This recognition has emerged through psychological studies into the aetiology of behaviour disorders, learning difficulties and other disturbances to the steady development and maturation of children. This has coincided with research into human Emotional Intelligence and the development of emotional literacy training programmes. Emotional Intelligence is now known to play a very significant part in achieving goals set, as well as being the foundation for personal satisfaction. Many gifted educators and child-care workers have already developed excellent emotional literacy programmes to support and develop children at every level of need. These enable children to learn the skills and abilities to give them greater emotional awareness, more emotional control and strong relationship building skills. This in turn leads to higher emotional intelligence, and usually, sound self-esteem. We now understand that by providing these environments, together with specific training and coaching in personal and social skills, we can enable children and young people to develop emotional maturity far more effectively than we could before. Many schools believe that emotional intelligence can and must be developed because it leads to so many benefits. They are therefore finding ways to explicitly place emotional literacy at the heart of their approach to learning, teaching, achieving, behaviour change and well-being. The environments that encourage emotional and social competence are: * an enriched physical environment * an enriched emotional environment. Aspects of emotional literacy The various aspects of emotional literacy as described by Katherine Weare in her book Developing the Emotionally Literate School are outlined here. Self-understanding: * having an accurate and positive view of ourselves * having a sense of optimism about the world and ourselves * having a coherent and continuous life story. Understanding and managing emotions: * experiencing the whole range of emotions * understanding the causes of our emotions * expressing our emotions appropriately * managing our responses to our emotions effectively: for example, managing our anger, controlling our impulses * knowing how to feel good more often and for longer * using information about emotions to plan and solve problems * resilience: processing, and bouncing back from, difficult experiences. Understanding social situations and making relationships: * forming attachments to other people * experiencing empathy for others * communicating with others and responding effectively * managing our relationships effectively * being autonomous, independent and self-reliant. Every parent, every politician, and every teacher want young children to enter kindergarten ready to succeed. Often the focus is on cognitive skills, early literacy, or early math, and indeed there are exciting new developments in early education. But it is equally important to pay attention to the social and emotional skills that young children develop in their earliest years. These skills-how children manage their feelings, follow directions, concentrate, relate to other children and to teachers, and approach learning-will enable them to succeed as they transition to kindergarten and first grade. . Importantly, virtually all the interventions described here work best if they are embedded in a larger community effort to promote resilience and build on the strengths that exist in families and communities. Four core assumptions shaped the guide: * The family plays the most important role in a young childs life. * Responsibility for school readiness lies not with children, but with the adults who care for them and the systems that support them. * The first 5 years of life are a critical developmental period. * Child development occurs across equally important and interrelated domains-physical and motor, social and emotional, language, and cognitive. The guide is intended to be especially useful for: * Child care providers, preschool and kindergarten teachers, and others who work directly with young children and their families. * Families and school readiness coordinators and administrators involved in organizing early childhood school readiness and early literacy campaigns. * Family support advocates and others who provide support to parents and other caregivers (e.g., grandparents and foster parents) of young children. * Community leaders and coalitions who understand the importance of reaching out to young children and families to ensure early school success. * Mental health and other professionals who want to do more to ensure that young children and families get help when they need it. Section I answers frequently asked questions about why it is important to pay attention to social and emotional development as part of school readiness. Section II provides examples of the resources that are available to help programs and community planners as they seek, intentionally, to promote social and emotional school readiness. It is organized in three parts: * Resources to Help Parents describes resources and strategies that can help parents, particularly low-income parents and others raising young children, promote healthy emotional development in young children. * Resources to Help Child Care Providers and Teachers describes resources and strategies that can help child care providers and teachers promote healthy social and emotional development and school readiness. * Resources to Help Young Children and Families Facing Special Stresses describes resources and strategies that can promote resilience in the most stressed young children and families so that these children, too, can enter school ready to succeed. Each part provides examples of specific resources that can be embedded into and adapted to particular program and community circumstances. Section II of this guide highlights several informal and community-based approaches that bring families and community leaders together to develop preventive strategies, connect existing resources better, and take action around high-priority challenges to promote early school success for all young children in the community. The guide concludes in Section III with a set of questions to guide community action and 10 principles to guide action. This guide complements Spending Smarter: A Funding Guide for Policymakers and Advocates to Promote Social and Emotional Health and School Readiness, as well as a series of issue briefs that the National Center for Children in Poverty (NCCP) has developed over the past several years. (For more information, see Appendix B or Both documents recognize that for every young child to enter school ready to succeed, focusing solely on supporting the early physical, emotional, and cognitive development of young children is not enough. There must also be powerful and sustained attention to ensuring that families can earn enough to support their children, to improving the overall quality of child care and early learning experiences, and es- pecially to ensuring that when young children enter schools, the schools are ready for them. However, the guide also recognizes that for some young children and families, without intentional strategies that are focused on social and emotional well-being, even ready schools and ready communities may not be enough.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Symbols and Symbolism in Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter Essay -- Symbo

Thesis Statement and Outline Thesis Statement: Nathaniel Hawthorne used symbolism to bring meaning into his book "The Scarlet Letter." I. Symbolism A. Definition B. Style II. Symbolism in characters A. Hester B. Dimmesdale C. Chillingworth D. Pearl III. Symbolism in objects A. The scarlet letter B. The scaffold C. The forest D. The brook IV. Symbolic relations between characters and objects A. Characters and the scarlet letter B. Characters and the scaffold C. Pearl and the forest Nathaniel Hawthorne used symbolism to bring meaning into his book "The Scarlet Letter." Generally speaking, a symbol is something that is used to stand for something else. In literature, it is most often a concrete object which is used to represent something more abstract and broader in scope and meaning. Symbols can range from the most obvious substitution of one thing for another to creations as massive, complex, and perplexing as Melville's white whale in Moby Dick ( Dibble, p. 77 ). In The Scarlet Letter the symbols and the ingredients of the story come together "in a seamless unity in which each manifestation of the letter illuminates an aspect of the characters' or the community's evolving experience ( Brodhead, p. 159 ) . In Hawthorne's use of symbols in The Scarlet Letter, we observe the author making one of his most distinctive and significant contributions to the growth of American fiction. Indeed this novel is usually regarded as the first symbolic novel to be published in the United States ( Dibble, p. 77 ) . Hawthorne attempts to spread a revelation into imagined characters and scenes, to transfer the realization of the symbols into a warmth that will animate the entire... ...troit, Gale Research Inc., 1993, p. 194 Martin, Terence, Twayne's United States Authors Series Nathaniel Hawthorne, New York, Twayne Publishers, 1965, pp. 114, 115, 119, 127 Matthiessen, F.O., "The Scarlet Letter," Critics on Hawthorne, Readings in Literary Criticism: 16, Coral Gables, University of Miami Press, 1972, pp. 82, 85 Matthiessen, F.O., Twentieth Century Interpretations of The Scarlet Letter, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Halls Inc., 1968, p. 57 Waggoner, Hyatt H., "Nathanial Hawthorne," Six American Novelists of the Nineteenth Century, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 1969, pp. 47, 69, 73, 85 Waggoner, Hyatt H., "The Scarlet Letter," Hawthorne, Cambridge, The Belknap Press, 1963, pp. 126, 127, 139, 143 SparkNotes Editors. â€Å"SparkNote on The Scarlet Letter.† SparkNotes LLC. 2003. Web. 30 Apr. 2015.  

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Personal Finance Management

Personal Finance Management Personal finance management is a topic that very few actually understand. There were no finance classes given when I was coming Into adulthood. So I had no understanding of credit scores, credit reports, and credit cards. Nor did I have a clue about interest rates and what it meant to have good credit. I was in the dark about finance period. Over the years, I have learned about debt, bad credit, and collections. These are things that I came to learn very well and struggled with not knowing how to fix these issues.I did not know the importance of making credit card payments or any type of payments on time. At the start of this course I was $89,000 In debt. I could not get a line of credit or approved for an apartment with that much debt listed on my credit report. I was literally In financial ruins and had no clue how to get out of it. I signed up for debt relief programs and I ended up owing money and still had no debt relief. So I decided to contact an at torney and we discussed different forms of debt relief programs and bankruptcy.Although bankruptcy is a last resort method that was the best choice for my current situation. I am newly divorced and I had shared debt from my past marriage, doctor ills, credit card bills, student loans, and Just a wide range of miscellaneous debts. The choice to file a chapter 7 bankruptcy was my only option. I was able to keep my possessions and all of my debt was discharged with the exception of my student loans. Now I am in the process of rebuilding my credit and this course came at the most perfect time of my life.I have learned so much from this course pertaining to finance that I can use on my journey In rebuilding my credit and making a healthier financial situation for myself. I learned the difference between open and close ended credit and how It works. Mortgage loans and automobile loans are examples of closed-end credit. An agreement, or contract, lists the repayment terms, such as the numb er of payments, the payment amount, and how much the credit will cost.Charge cards and bank cards are examples of open-end credit and unless you pay off the debt in full each month, you will often have to pay a high-rate of interest or other kinds of finance charges for the use of credit. I also learned about Investing Into stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, these are great ways to allow your money to grow and build interest. I had no understanding about investing money to make more money or saving for detriment. These are all things that I am interested in learning more about and incorporating these ideas in my financial plans for the future.I have learned more about filing bankruptcy and what to expect post-bankruptcy. I know that I have to wait two years to purchase a home and that is one of my desired goals. I will take the next two years and work on rebuilding my credit. Adapting a Flanagan plan would be a great start for me at this point. I have also decided to sign up with a pr ogram that keeps track of my credit report and that will allow me to know at all times what is going on with my credit.Rebuilding credit requires you to take out lines of credit and this step is where I could use the help in understanding what types of credit would be best for me. Being that my bankruptcy is fairly recent I was told to wait to apply course I knew barely anything about interest and what it does to money owed. You end up owing double if your payments are not paid on time or accounts are not paid in full and I understand that concept now but I was clearly in the dark when it came to understanding all of the different areas of finance and money management.Living outside of my means was the main reason I ended up in so much debt. So learning how to budget my earnings and making responsible decisions when spending is a way that I am learning to better my financial situation. Outside of information pertaining to credit, I have learned about different areas that are not wid ely spoken about such as taxes, life insurance, health insurance, 401 K, Medicare, and Medicaid. These all are different things that need to be understood during adulthood that I am Just now understand about.There are so many forms of health and life insurance that it makes it hard to fugue out which policy would work better for my family and l. There are government based insurance Lana, low income plans, and plans geared toward older adults. I have not carried insurance on myself or my children and I understand that there is a purpose in having such coverage. This class offered so much information about so many different things at the right time in my life. It has helped me to understand how important having a grasp on your financial situation is.There is more to Just getting a paycheck, cashing it, and spending it. There has to be a budget and a plan put in place. Making future plans is also a great decision. Knowing that you will have money for later expenses is always a great fe eling than living check to check. I have learned so many different strategies pertaining to managing my finances from this course. Regardless to being knowledgeable of personal finance or having very little understanding of the subject taking a course of this type will expose you to so much more than Just managing money.I learned about home loans, Aria's, taxes, credit and the different forms of it, living wills, investments, retirement plans, and so much more. I have learned to set up a financial and budgeting plan to maintain my finances on a month to month basis and long term. Having the opportunity to be a art of a finance course has opened my eyes to what I should be striving for financially. Although I still have questions regarding the different types of retirement plans, how exactly do home loans work and which one would be a better fit for me, which life insurance plans should I choose to go with, and where should I start if I wanted to invest.I still have a lot of financia l questions that I need answers to but I have gathered so much information from this class that will at least put me in the right direction for financial success. Even the thought of contacting a financial planner may be an excellent choice for me at this point. Being that I have all of this great information to incorporate into my life and I am starting over financially it might not be a bad idea. I do have a great deal of confidence that I will have financial success from this point forward. Eave ever been in and although I confided in an attorney and he helped me initially to get back on track, it was this finance management course that gave me the understanding that I needed to make good financial choices. I understand the importance making good financial choices and what the outcome can be whether it is good or bad. Unfortunately, I had to experience bad credit, collections, wage arrangements, court Judgments, and low credit scores because I did not have the information that I was given through this class back then. Personal Finance Management Personal Finance Management Personal finance management is a topic that very few actually understand. There were no finance classes given when I was coming Into adulthood. So I had no understanding of credit scores, credit reports, and credit cards. Nor did I have a clue about interest rates and what it meant to have good credit. I was in the dark about finance period. Over the years, I have learned about debt, bad credit, and collections. These are things that I came to learn very well and struggled with not knowing how to fix these issues.I did not know the importance of making credit card payments or any type of payments on time. At the start of this course I was $89,000 In debt. I could not get a line of credit or approved for an apartment with that much debt listed on my credit report. I was literally In financial ruins and had no clue how to get out of it. I signed up for debt relief programs and I ended up owing money and still had no debt relief. So I decided to contact an at torney and we discussed different forms of debt relief programs and bankruptcy.Although bankruptcy is a last resort method that was the best choice for my current situation. I am newly divorced and I had shared debt from my past marriage, doctor ills, credit card bills, student loans, and Just a wide range of miscellaneous debts. The choice to file a chapter 7 bankruptcy was my only option. I was able to keep my possessions and all of my debt was discharged with the exception of my student loans. Now I am in the process of rebuilding my credit and this course came at the most perfect time of my life.I have learned so much from this course pertaining to finance that I can use on my journey In rebuilding my credit and making a healthier financial situation for myself. I learned the difference between open and close ended credit and how It works. Mortgage loans and automobile loans are examples of closed-end credit. An agreement, or contract, lists the repayment terms, such as the numb er of payments, the payment amount, and how much the credit will cost.Charge cards and bank cards are examples of open-end credit and unless you pay off the debt in full each month, you will often have to pay a high-rate of interest or other kinds of finance charges for the use of credit. I also learned about Investing Into stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, these are great ways to allow your money to grow and build interest. I had no understanding about investing money to make more money or saving for detriment. These are all things that I am interested in learning more about and incorporating these ideas in my financial plans for the future.I have learned more about filing bankruptcy and what to expect post-bankruptcy. I know that I have to wait two years to purchase a home and that is one of my desired goals. I will take the next two years and work on rebuilding my credit. Adapting a Flanagan plan would be a great start for me at this point. I have also decided to sign up with a pr ogram that keeps track of my credit report and that will allow me to know at all times what is going on with my credit.Rebuilding credit requires you to take out lines of credit and this step is where I could use the help in understanding what types of credit would be best for me. Being that my bankruptcy is fairly recent I was told to wait to apply course I knew barely anything about interest and what it does to money owed. You end up owing double if your payments are not paid on time or accounts are not paid in full and I understand that concept now but I was clearly in the dark when it came to understanding all of the different areas of finance and money management.Living outside of my means was the main reason I ended up in so much debt. So learning how to budget my earnings and making responsible decisions when spending is a way that I am learning to better my financial situation. Outside of information pertaining to credit, I have learned about different areas that are not wid ely spoken about such as taxes, life insurance, health insurance, 401 K, Medicare, and Medicaid. These all are different things that need to be understood during adulthood that I am Just now understand about.There are so many forms of health and life insurance that it makes it hard to fugue out which policy would work better for my family and l. There are government based insurance Lana, low income plans, and plans geared toward older adults. I have not carried insurance on myself or my children and I understand that there is a purpose in having such coverage. This class offered so much information about so many different things at the right time in my life. It has helped me to understand how important having a grasp on your financial situation is.There is more to Just getting a paycheck, cashing it, and spending it. There has to be a budget and a plan put in place. Making future plans is also a great decision. Knowing that you will have money for later expenses is always a great fe eling than living check to check. I have learned so many different strategies pertaining to managing my finances from this course. Regardless to being knowledgeable of personal finance or having very little understanding of the subject taking a course of this type will expose you to so much more than Just managing money.I learned about home loans, Aria's, taxes, credit and the different forms of it, living wills, investments, retirement plans, and so much more. I have learned to set up a financial and budgeting plan to maintain my finances on a month to month basis and long term. Having the opportunity to be a art of a finance course has opened my eyes to what I should be striving for financially. Although I still have questions regarding the different types of retirement plans, how exactly do home loans work and which one would be a better fit for me, which life insurance plans should I choose to go with, and where should I start if I wanted to invest.I still have a lot of financia l questions that I need answers to but I have gathered so much information from this class that will at least put me in the right direction for financial success. Even the thought of contacting a financial planner may be an excellent choice for me at this point. Being that I have all of this great information to incorporate into my life and I am starting over financially it might not be a bad idea. I do have a great deal of confidence that I will have financial success from this point forward. Eave ever been in and although I confided in an attorney and he helped me initially to get back on track, it was this finance management course that gave me the understanding that I needed to make good financial choices. I understand the importance making good financial choices and what the outcome can be whether it is good or bad. Unfortunately, I had to experience bad credit, collections, wage arrangements, court Judgments, and low credit scores because I did not have the information that I was given through this class back then.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Technology Today Essay - 2005 Words

Technology Today Technology has always had a significant impact on the way we communicate and socialise. Today’s technologies have, in many cases, become so integrated within our daily lives, that they play a part in constructing our existence and understanding of reality. The Internet is one such piece of technology that influences our perceptions of our self and our surroundings. This essay will aim to explore the social implications of experimentation with identities online, as well as evaluating the ways in which new technologies may continue to shape this issue in the future. The self and self-identity is a continually changing entity, which is constantly being reconstructed throughout a person’s life. (Slevin, 2000)†¦show more content†¦Gergen’s theory of social saturation is also relevant to today’s use of Internet communications in relation to construction of identity. Gergen says that media and technology offers individuals with a large network of relationships with different people, which often results in self-multiplication. (Gergen, 1991, as cited in Surratt, 2001) The dissolution of the restrictions of space and time in Internet communication further gives the individual opportunities to recreate themselves in different manners. (Gergen, 1991, as cited in Surrat, 2001) This capability is supported through IRC technology such as MSN or ICQ, through which it is possible to conduct several conversations at once and hence, have several identities. Thus, people who experiment with identity online do so for a variety of reasons- anonymity, escapism and experimentation to name but a few. In today’s society, the line between actual self and a self that exists in cyberspace is deteriorating, as the Internet and its various methods of communication become more integrated in our daily lives. In order to understand the impact that Internet communication technologies will have in the future, it is important to consider the positive and negative social implications of the notion of online identity construction. The main positive attribute associated with anonymity and free identity online is lack of prejudice, which creates a more democratic and egalitarian experience for users. (Gurak,Show MoreRelatedIs Technology Good or Bad for Today ´s Youth?931 Words   |  4 PagesTechnology is a good or a bad for today’s youth? . . Today is the world of technology and man being a social animal is nothing without this technology. Or in other words can be said that survival along with progression is not possible without the interference of technology in our lives in each and everyRead MoreThe Machine Stops And Technology Today899 Words   |  4 PagesEven though technology in â€Å"The Machine Stops† and technology today have many differences, many characteristics are in common. 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